Why Write?

Shakespeare knew long ago that comfort can be found in the written word:

Give sorrow words, the grief that does not speak
Whispers the o'er fraught heart and bids it break.

Studies in recent years have confirmed that creative expression improves physical, emotional, and social health. And the more we write, the better we feel and the more we grow.

This site is designed for anyone who wants to write. Each week I'll offer at least one poem, reflection on something I've read, tidbit about the craft of writing, or some other nugget about life, and also a prompt to get you started. And then it's up to you. Through these exercises, I hope you'll learn to release tension, process memories, and embark on a new journey of self-discovery.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun

We are barraged daily with bad news about the economy, health care, and war. Taxes will be due soon. Winter lingers. And talented singers are being ousted from American Idol. It's easy to get weighed down by the blues.

It's time to take a load off. Shed the weight of doom and gloom and have some fun. Find one thing you've been longing to do lately: go on a hike, ride a bike. Knit a scarf, or scarf down a gooey piece of cake. It doesn't have to be a Mt. Everest climb; it can be as simple as sitting quietly for an hour listening to the Brandenburg Concerto, uninterrupted. Or it can be a wild and crazy night on the town.

Whatever you choose, make sure you're in the moment while you're having fun. Notice how you feel physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Then, spend a few minutes writing about it. Make a list of adjectives that describe how you felt. Make a list of verbs that describe what you did. And then make a list of all the other fun things you want to do and, if you can, set up a schedule to do them.

We all need fun.

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